Lunch & Learn NYC

Last week’s Lunch & Learn in New York was a fantastic experience!
The Ronald McDonald House

Yesterday, our team members Sigrid, Jasmine, Sofia and Mikael had the pleasure of visiting the Ronald McDonald House in Lund, Sweden to help out with some daily chores. The Ronald McDonald House in Lund, Sweden, hosts families with children in need specialist care from all over Sweden, Norway and Iceland. The house is located in the […]
Training week is coming up!

Every quarter all of our customers have the opportunity to take their knowledge about Web Manuals to the next level and of course we want you to attend.
Integrate, regulate, celebrate: Our EBACE 2019

There was double celebration on booth N115 this year as we signed two new customers, My Jet Saver and AFS Alpine Flightservice!
The Web Manuals Awards

At the end of last month, we hosted our annuals user group conference GO DIGITAL in San Diego, Ca. The focus for this year’s event was growing the global digitization community by connecting and empowering change-makers in the aviation industry – something we feel very passionately about.
Building a global community of change makers

Next week, our annual user group conference GO DIGITAL US focusing on the global digitization community by connecting and empowering change-makers in the aviation industry – something we feel passionately about.
Riding the European regulation train: a forecast for 2019

Put simply, regulations are what hold the world of aviation together; without them, this industry would be chaos. But what is on the table for 2019 and beyond when it comes to European rules and regulations? We spoke to Joel Hencks, managing director of AeroEx GmbH, to shed some light on the impact of regulations in the European market.
Sizing up in San Diego

2018 was a year of tremendous growth and excitement for us at Web Manuals. Not only did we launch Hurricane, the seventh version of our digital documentation software, and open our first New York office but we also moved to a much larger space in San Diego.
Taking a bite of the Big Apple

A year has passed and it’s time to reflect. 2018 has been very successful for Web Manuals and it feels like the sky is the limit. But once again we need to get our feet back on the ground and we found a new base in New York City! The big apple!
Global från första stund (Article in Swedish)

Läs EKNs artikel om hur Web Manuals lyckats med att bygga en skalbar organisation och snabb lönsam tillväxt
Solairus becomes largest operator to opt for Web Manuals

Read Business Air News article about our successful year in the US and why Web Manuals was the clear choice for Solairus

Get a short glims of our very successful exhibition at NBAA-BACE in Orlando, Florida.