Introducing Web Manuals Amelia AI

The future of Document Search

Revolutionize how you interact with your Web Manuals documentation – smarter, faster, and more efficiently

Your documentation now searchable by AI

By using advanced AI, Web Manuals document search transforms how you search, interact, and engage with your manuals, making every question more intuitive and every answer more accessible and reliable.


Search any question related to your documentation.


Amelia AI quickly finds and provides precise answers with sources.


Ask further questions for deeper insights.

Security & safety first

Amelia prioritizes your data’s security and the accuracy of its searches, addressing AI risks and ensuring reliable, safe outcomes for your operations.

Find information more efficiently

Quickly find the right information in your manuals with our AI-powered search, designed for precision and security. Amelia simplifies your finding of information, making document retrieval effortless and reliable.

Ask questions

Simply ask any question about your documentation, and receive accurate, context-aware answers in moments. It’s like having a personal expert that knows every page of your manuals, ready to provide the information you need, when you need it.

Ask about Procedures
Ask about
Ask about Anything


Amelia understands the context of your questions, allowing for follow-up queries. This means you can get more detailed explanations and further clarify any piece of information.

Save time

By instantly pinpointing the information and sources you need within your documents, Amelia eliminates the need for manual time consuming navigation through your manuals.

Secure, reliable, and private

"With Web Manuals Amelia AI your data stays private, results are accurate with sources, and is never shared or used for training. A secure, safe and efficient search experience - our promise to you."

Richard Sandström

CTO, Web Manuals

Navigating safety intelligence together

At Web Manuals, we understand that the aviation industry is constantly changing. Our goal is to keep pace with these advancements by using the latest technology, while always prioritizing safety. 

Embracing the future responsibly

Our AI-driven solutions are designed to enhance decision-making and operational efficiency, always prioritizing transparency and reliability to navigate the complexities of aviation safety.

Security and transparency

Keeping your information secure is our top priority. Web Manuals uses robust security and clear, straightforward processes to ensure everything stays private and protected.

United for safer skies

By creating partnerships with regulators and the aviation community, we’re setting a new AI benchmark for excellence and safety in aviation.

How does Web Manuals Amelia AI process your Content?

You own your content

As with all content you upload and process via Web Manuals, you will also own the content created from Amelia AI in accordance with our Terms & Conditions.

No AI-training on content

Amelia does not train models on your content. If you provide feedback to replies generated by Amelia AI, we may process that feedback in order to promote and increase satisfactory results.

ISO 27001

Web Manuals is ISO 27001 certified since 2014, which is a testament to our commitment to maintaining the highest requirement of information security.


We process personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and only if we have a legal basis to do so. 

Questions & answers

What is Web Manuals Amelia AI document search?
Web Manuals Amelia AI is a new search feature from Web Manuals, designed to let users quickly find what they need in their Web Manuals documents. It uses smart AI technology to understand your questions and give you the right answers fast, making your search quicker and more accurate."
Security is a top priority for Amelia. It only searches through documents that belong to your organization and doesn’t look at or use any information from the internet. Plus, Web Manuals uses strong security measures to keep your data safe, making sure that your search details and results are for your eyes only.
Amelia is designed to minimize "AI hallucinations" by strictly sourcing answers from your organization’s documentation, ensuring search results are accurate and directly relevant while maintaining the integrity and reliability of the information provided.
If Amelia is unable to locate an answer within your documents, it will respond with 'I don't know.' This ensures that all information provided is sourced directly from your documentation and maintains reliability.
Yes, Amelia handles follow-up questions, allowing for a smooth, conversational search experience. It quickly understands the context of your follow-up queries, providing more detailed explanations or clarifications to ensure a better understanding of the information.
To try Amelia AI, sign up for our waitlist. This gives you the opportunity to be among the first to explore the innovative features of Amelia AI as soon as it becomes available.

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Join the waitlist now to be among the first to try out Web Manuals Amelia AI. Discover the next level of efficiency in document search and management.