Product Corner


Product Corner

Spring is at our doorstep, and we in product are feeling the first rays of sunshine marking the final steps in the large projects we have been working on. 

This quarter we have focused on a few long term projects as well as solving fewer small improvements on the side. 

We have been working on the fabled Word import wizard, a new site-sharing feature that will help anyone with documents across multiple sites as well as the new Reader App. 

The Reader App is as good as done now, we are applying the last bug fixes and polish to it, and then it will be ready to go. It will release for iPad, iPad mini and iPhones to begin with, and for Android later this year. 

We are currently producing a training video that will be released with the new app explaining all of the differences between the old app and the new, as well as the new features you can now utilize. 

Improvements during Q1

As mentioned, our focus is on closing the large projects, but we have also been working on other things and fixing minor improvements like: 

  • R&D for future projects
  • Autodrafting on Search and Replace
  • More extensive date options
  • Template and Child documents managing text sections correctly
  • Warnings overview maintaining user selections
  • Table of Content now having more up to date default settings
  • Better checklist styling
  • Better compliance library control with ownership
  • Information emails on compliance library updates

And much much more.

As always I urge you to visit our help center and watch the release notes and release videos to stay up to date, as well as watching the video for the new Reader app when it releases. 

Have you seen the February Product Update video? Check it out here.

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