
We adhere to various regulatory standards and management system certifications. This section provides information on our compliance measures to meet industry-specific regulations and global certifications to guarantee the quality of our products and service.


Web Manuals is certified against ISO 9001 Quality Management System.

ISO 9001:2015 certification

We are proud to be  ISO 9001 certified since 2013. This certification demonstrates our commitment to the highest standards for our products and services. It signifies our commitment to quality principles, ensuring we consistently meet customer and regulatory requirements while striving for continuous improvement.

Quality Management System

We implement and continuously improve our Quality Management System to consistently deliver high quality products and services. Aside from enhancing customer satisfaction, our QMS is also key to the success of our global operations.

Open Audit

Web Manuals holds a yearly Open Audit providing customers with information about the Web Manuals Management System and a general understanding of the company’s compliance work in fulfillment of its supplier obligations to its customers.  It also aims to fulfill Web Manuals’ obligations to customer under the Software-as-a-Service Agreement and enhance the customer-supplier relationship.

Online Open Audit

The Open Audit is held online in the month of April, with separate schedule for APAC & EMEA customers, and for the Americas. Invitations are sent to customers one month before schedule.

Onsite Open Audit

An onsite Open Audit is held yearly  in September during the EMEA GO DIGITAL user conference in Sweden.

Annual Compliance Report

Web Manuals Annual Compliance Report is published yearly to provide customers an overview of the Web Manuals Group’s compliance efforts and accomplishments in a given year. It aims to provide customers  with a deeper  understanding of our management system and highlight the performance of the various compliance areas during the year.

The report contains information about the following: Company Overview, Management System, Recruitment & Training, Legal Compliance, Risk Management, Information Security and Performance.

The Annual Compliance Report is available to customers at no cost, and distributed during the Open Audit or upon customer request.


We believe in operating with transparency. This section provides insights into our operations, data requests, and transparency reports.

Transparency Reports

We regularly publish reports on data requests from governments or other entities, ensuring transparency in our operations.

Third-Party Reviews

Read about the results from third-party assessments and reviews that validate our security and compliance measures.