SIL Aviation’s Journey to Enhanced Safety and Efficiency with Web Manuals

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SIL Aviation’s Journey to Enhanced Safety and Efficiency with Web Manuals

SIL Aviation, a dedicated department within SIL PNG, has been instrumental in providing essential aviation support to Papua New Guinea’s diverse linguistic communities for over six decades. With a fleet of six aircraft, including helicopters and fixed-wing planes, their mission encompasses facilitating linguistic work like Bible translation and language development. However, navigating remote and challenging terrains came with its own set of operational hurdles, particularly in document management and safety procedures.

Amidst a dynamic workforce and limited resources, SIL Aviation continuously grapples with maintaining safety standards and regulatory compliance. The high turnover rate among managers and staff consistently poses challenges in keeping everyone updated on the latest procedures. Outdated manual processes, involving cumbersome paperwork and inefficient document distribution systems, further hindered operational efficiency and real-time access to critical information.

SIL Aviation, fixed-wing aircraft.

“Edit manuals was a lengthy and time-consuming process,” explains Joshua Gela, SIL Aviation’s Safety and Quality Manager. “We had to print out a checklist, actually fill out the checklist manually, and then do the editing on Word. Of course, the Quality Manager didn’t know at what stage of the process we were at in real-time”.

In search of a solution to modernize their operations, SIL Aviation discovered Web Manuals. This cutting-edge digital platform is revolutionizing aviation documentation management, offering efficiency, collaboration, and regulatory compliance. Encouraged by success stories from peer mission organizations, SIL Aviation saw a solution in the robust system at Web Manuals.

Implementation journey

The implementation of Web Manuals at SIL Aviation was a journey fueled by determination, collaboration, and a shared vision for enhanced safety and efficiency. Originally spearheaded by Joshua Eicholtz, Deputy CEO, who then handed the project over to Joshua Gela, the transition to Web Manuals is marking a pivotal moment in the organization’s history.

SIL Aviation Fleet.

Despite being currently in the implementation phase, the initial stages have shown a meaningful reshaping of their operations. “Without going full implementation I can validate all the benefits of the Web Manuals system. I can already see the features of Web Manuals that when we have fully implemented will really improve our document control process (…) I can see us spending more valuable time on content, rather than formatting”, describes Joshua.

Efficient documentation unlocks safety

For SIL Aviation, embracing Web Manuals means a profound modernization in its operations, visible by enhanced safety, efficiency, and regulatory compliance. The digital platform will empower SIL Aviation to streamline its document control processes, enable real-time updates, collaborative editing, and seamless distribution of critical information. By automating tasks such as tracking required reading and flagging changes, Web Manuals will empower SIL Aviation to ensure all personnel remain updated on the latest procedures and regulations, mitigating safety risks and enhancing operational efficiency.

SIL Aviation fleet.

“I can see us being able to know where exactly we are in our workflow, and if people are actually working on editing their manuals. We will be improving our process and saving even more time for us. That’s fantastic.”, Joshua emphasizes.

“The feedback feature, when you want to flag a change or recommendation, is really helpful. Instead of walking around the station collecting recommendations, the system will cut down a lot of time, and make us more efficient in our process for incorporating changes into our manuals and procedures.”, comments Joshua.

Looking Towards the Future

Leveraging Web Manuals’ comprehensive training resources and responsive support, SIL Aviation gradually migrated its documents from outdated systems to the digital platform, laying the foundation for a new era of streamlined operations.

The collaboration for the implementation and training has been straightforward and positive, evidence of the commitment to customer-oriented service at Web Manuals. “I’ve been enjoying working with the Web Manuals team. They’ve done a superb job of training us and providing the helpful resources that we have available, like the videos on the training website. I’ve been enjoying the process so far. ”

By embracing Web Manuals’ innovative digital platform, SIL Aviation has transformed its document management processes, elevating safety, efficiency, and quality in its operations. As they continue to integrate Web Manuals into their workflow, SIL Aviation is poised to further enhance their services and fulfill their mission of serving Papua New Guinea’s linguistic communities with excellence.