How to add a List of Effective Pages module
- Open an empty page of a Web Document
- Click on the page and select List of Effective Pages.
- When you apply the List of Effective Pages module on the page the settings menu is displayed. Click on Save in order to apply the List of Effective Pages on the page.
How to Use the List of Effective Pages module
- Ingress text
You have the possibility to display the default ingress text, customize it by typing its content in the text area field that shows when you click on Custom and finally you can also choose not to display any ingress text at all. - Signature
Allows you to show or hide the approval signature. If you upload a signed approval document upon publication of the document, the link to the signed approval will be displayed here. - Include issue
By selecting the checkbox next to Include issue you can display the issue column.
This is an example of how the List of Effective Pages can look.
This illustration of the List of Effective Pages above shows you the following information:
Indicates on which chapter of the document changes were made.
Indicates on which page of the document changes were made.
Indicates the name of the revision where changes were made.
Displays the date when the change was made.
If the module needs to be updated the Update Needed button will be shown.