Training Opportunities


Recent Web Manuals Posts

Training Opportunities

As of the 1st of January, we are changing to a new Learning Management System provider called Absorb! This portal is where you will access courses that you have enrolled into, for example your Editor Training, or a recorded webinar.

Over the course of the new year, we will continue to build up the content of this portal so that you can take relevant interactive courses online to help you get to know the Web Manuals system and test your knowledge on what you have learned! There will be more exciting news coming up about the opportunities this switch provides us with, so stay tuned!

From the 1st of January, the current link to access the training material via LearnUpon will therefore no longer be accessible to those who have already taken a course there. Users who have upcoming training slots will be added into the new system and provided with login information.

However, if you have previously taken a course and would like to access the portal to view the recorded webinars or check out the system, just reach out to us! As we move forward with this new system, we will continuously add and improve our content to make learning how to use Web Manuals faster, easier, and more flexible, depending on the needs of our customers.

Regular training

In the meantime, our Open Online Editor trainings will continue to take place weekly on Wednesdays as usual, so if you are looking to sign up, reach out to the Academy team or your Customer Success Representative!

Please note that we will not have a training on Wednesday, 24th of January due to an employee workshop!

Also, check out our new and improved Academy Homepage.