Whistleblowing Policy

Our whistleblowing policy at Web Manuals is designed to maintain an ethical and transparent workplace. It offers a secure and confidential way for employees, partners, and the public to report any suspected misconduct. This helps us ensure integrity and accountability throughout our organization.

Last updated 2024-07-10

Table of Contents

Why whistleblowing?

At Web Manuals, we are committed to fostering an open and transparent workplace, free from misconduct. By facilitating the reporting of malpractices through Visslan‘s whistleblower channel available at https://webmanuals.visslan-report.se, we aim to enhance the trust of our employees, customers, partners and the general public.

Who can report?

You can submit a whistleblowing report if you are an employee, volunteer, trainee, active shareholder, person who is otherwise available for work under our control and management or is part of our administrative, management or supervisory body. Contractors, subcontractors and suppliers to us who have found out about malpractices within the company can also use our whistleblowing channel, as well as former employees and hired employees that have not yet begun their employment at Web Manuals. In addition to this, we also enable people outside the above categories to use our whistleblowing channel. We will treat all reports equally, even if you as an outsider are not covered by the Whistleblower Act’s protection against retaliation.

What can be reported?

The reporting is only intended to report actual or suspected malpractices within Web Manuals where there is a public interest in their disclosure. Evidence is not required, but any reporting must be done in good faith.

How is the reporting handled?

Received reports are handled confidentially. All irrelevant personal data will be deleted, and the case will only be saved for as long as necessary.