New possibilities with the Transfer User feature

Transfer user

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Do you know that in Web Manuals, you can transfer from one user to another, their Roles, responsibilities, document ownership compliance responsibilities and much more!

Being in an agile work environment means that people’s roles and responsibilities can often change, but thanks to the Transfer User feature, you can easily transfer responsibilities with just one click!

Transfer to a new user

  1. Go to Users > Manage Users

2. Click on the overflow menu in correspondence with the user you wish to transfer.

3. Choose Transfer to a new user.

4. Fill in the new user’s information and save.

This will transfer Roles and User Types from the existing user to the new user.

Transfer to an existing user

  1. Go to users > Manage users
  2. Click on the overflow menu in correspondence with the user you wish to transfer
  3. Choose Transfer to an existing user

4. In the new dialogue, choose the existing user from the drop-down menu and save.

This will transfer Roles and User Types together with all Compliance Library connections, Forms, Manual ownerships and to-do tasks from one existing user to another.

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